What are the alternatives to a £2,000-plus tooth implant?
August 3, 2013
The Guardian

On The Gurdian blog yesterday showed up interesting question:

My dentist is recommending an implant to replace a crown in my front teeth. I can’t have it on the NHS, and it will cost at least £2,200. Under the NHS I can have a bridge or dentures at £214. I’m 48. Is it worth spending the extra, or is a bridge a perfectly good alternative? What are your thoughts?

It was really nice discussion after that, but we noticed one great answer about going to Croatia for dental implats :

I was quoted £28,000 for 5 implants, a sinus lift and a bone graft. Had the whole lot done in Croatia for £5,500. It took a total of 3 visits — one for the sinus lift and bone graft, a ten month gap for healing, then the posts were inserted and a few weeks later teeth were made and attached. It was the best thing I’ve ever done — they look great and I feel really confident. Go get your implant — there’s nothing sexy about dentures!


Every week a Guardian reader submits a question, and a selection of the best answers will appear in next Saturday’s paper.

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